Aher: If Already Successful, Makin Harumkan Sunda Overseas


Date : 14 Mar 2016 03:42 Wib | Read : | Category : General News | Write By : Admin BPMPT

BALI - Sunda people who are already successful in the overseas driven continuously develop ikhtiarnya than return to West Java. Whenever possible further benefit the environment at the place of wandering, so more lives in West Java.

West Java Governor Ahmad Heryawan (Aher) said, referring to the data Sunda Ngumbara Society Forum (Formas), there are 7.9 million people who migrated across the Sunda Indonesia. Most of them are already well-established life and provide widespread benefits in the land of wandering.

"I would encourage more successful, in order to further expand into the opening of jobs, and hopefully be helpful to investors around it. Indicate the Sundanese capable," he said in Bali on Sunday (13.03.16) afternoon.

In fact, he continued, if already established and successful, do not come back again to settle in West Java. Because, not necessarily the situation will be better, especially in West Java domicile population also continues to grow.

"Do not go home, already narrower in Java. Keep evolving even in the land, and take it there in order to create change in West Java was increasingly successful," he said.

Formas itself, among others already in Bali, Lampung, Bengkulu, Bangka Belitung, even to Papua. This organization diketui Jaka Bandung, Sunda citizens who become entrepreneurs in Bali.

Aher said the deployment of the policy is a policy that is commonplace. Especially by countries with more inhabitants such as China and India. West Java itself still bears the largest province in Indonesia with a total population this year is estimated 47.7 million people.

"Again, the important thing is not detrimental to a foreigner. Must be able to socialize with native populations. Alhamdulillah, so far the Sunda has been no clash when working outside," he said.

Heriyadi, General Treasurer Formas said many residents Sunda which was originally only to join the transmigration but then gain success in the overseas.

In fact, he said, the reliability and comfort of living across the ground instead obtained. Until then multiply and various other achievements, they already feel as natives.

"Parents sayapun migrated into the Pacific until finally I was born, grew, and now are trying there. If you go back to West Java, not necessarily the situation semapan now," he said.

He pointed out his residence in Bangka now of almost one hectare with effort relatively smoothly. So, it is unlikely that it is definitely going to leave for something that is not certain.

"Moreover, the Sundanese was relatively well-received everywhere, rarely do we hear of Sundanese noisy at certain ethnicity. On average adaptable and harmony. In Bangka, fishermen who managed to unite Sundanese, Bugis and Buton it is the Tasikmalaya," he concluded ,


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