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  • About BPMPT

    About BPMPT West Java Province

    Basic Formation of Board of Investment and Integrated Licensing (BPMPT) West Java Province is the Regional Regulation No. 4 of 2014 on the Second Amendment of West Java Provincial Regulation No. 24 Year 2008 concerning Organization and Work of Other Institutions of West Java Province. In it is mentioned that the Board of Investment and Integrated Licensing is an element of public service in the field of investment and licensing, led by the Head of the Agency and is responsible to the Governor of West Java, which is based on Governor Regulation No. 21 Year 2015 has the main task organize technical policy formulation investment sector and unified licensing, conduct coordination, guidance, control, facilitation and implementation of the provincial government's affairs in the field of investment and integrated license covering aspects of licensing services, dissemination and promotion of investment and investment control. BPMPT West Java province has a function:

    1. Provision of technical policy formulation field of investment and unified licensing;
    2. Implementation of the Provincial government affairs in the field of investment and unified licensing;
    3. Coordinate, coaching and facilitation of implementation of government affairs Provincial field of investment and unified licensing; and
    4. Operation of the control, monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the Provincial government affairs in the field of investment and unified licensing.


    In an effort to support and realize the vision of West Java and the programs that are being implemented and as a commitment to the Investment Board and Integrated Licensing (BPMPT) West Java Province then set the vision BPMPT, namely: "Being Institutions Investment and Licensing Reliable and Professional ".

    Understanding the Vision Board of Investment and Integrated Licensing of West Java province is:

    • Reliable in this vision shows that BPMPT Jabar in performing investment services and licensing will always prioritize the principles of public service that promotes timeliness, speed, simplicity, accountability, openness, and also produces an accurate licensing and contain the force of law.
    • Professionals in this vision shows that BPMPT Jabar always display the best performance with emphasis on community satisfaction in serving the investment services and licensing administration in West Java.


    The mission is something that should be done every organization well, clearly defines the objectives of an organization and focus on targets to be achieved in the future. The mission is an effort to realize the vision and the elaboration of a vision in which both must be aligned.
    In accordance with the duties and functions, Mission Investment Board and Integrated Licensing (BPMPT) West Java Province are set to support and realize the mission of West Java province, namely:

    • Competence and Professionalism Apparatus In Investment and Licensing.
    • Investment and Licensing Rapid, Precise, Accurate, Transparent, Accountable for Normative and Community Satisfaction.
    • Increase Facilitation and Koordinassi PelayananPenanaman Capital and Licensing to encourage increased investment in West Java.
    • Facility Services and Data Quality Investment and Licensing based Information and Communication Technology as a Policy.
    • Synergy of Investment and Licensing with Stakeholders to encourage increased tried in West Java.
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