Avoid Domestic Violence, Educate Families Parenting Children With Rasul


Date : 16 Jun 2016 10:02 Wib | Read : | Category : General News | Write By : Admin BPMPT

BANDUNG - Chairman of the Integrated Services Center for Women and Children (P2TP2A) West Java Province Netty Heryawan said the phenomenon of violence that occurred today stems from the Tree of Violence. So sad and alarming look at the future generation that is not character and wither before it develops.

"The root cause of violence is poverty and power relations, a factor supporting early marriage, disharmony and error parenting and fueled with alcohol consumption and exposure to pornography," said Netty at Jalan Cinta Ramadan Tausiyah 2 was initiated by the Assembly Da'arul Hereafter ( MDA) in the Great Mosque TSM Bandung, on Tuesday (14.06.16).

Essentially as parents should protect, cherish and protect children. Not the other way is violence and neglect that causes social unrest today. "No doubt also advances in technology can affect a shift in values ​​and patterns of care for child," Netty said.

Netty then outlines the types of parents in educating and raising children. Among other parents who want their children stray pious but can not give an example and example, parents pay to find a place that is able to score achievements build morals of children and parents are aware that parents who know how to educate and love their children to shape the character of a pious child.

"I wanted to convey the appropriate message of the Prophet Muhammad that educate your child to know his prophet, introduce and pahamkan about the meaning of family like the family of the Prophet and the Koran introduce to the children," Netty said.

Finally, Netty hope in Ramadan's family in West Java can build together to ensure children are not exposed to the virus and influences from outside. Because fortified by a strong immunity and instill religious values ​​are well into adulthood.

Trigger Domestic Violence Social Insecurity

On a different occasion, Netty Heryawan said the emergence of social unrest was triggered by the violence against women and children. Violence committed by the perpetrator have a major influence on the welfare of society today.

This he says on the Consolidated National Women's Forum Alliance BEM Se Indonesia with the theme "Role of Women in the Protection Seen From the state of the Community Social Insecurity" in the Hall of the Faculty of Creative Industries Telkom University Bandung on Monday (06.13.16).

Netty described, according to the Ministry of Defence, Social Insecurity is a prolonged social unrest, caused by the conflicts caused by differences of opinion a society / group specific groups, with solving and problem resolution are unsatisfactory communities / groups of certain groups.



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