Eco Music Camp Vol.2 Environmental Campaign


Date : 26 May 2016 12:00 Wib | Read : | Category : General News | Write By : Admin BPMPT


BANDUNG - After the success of international music event
titled Eco Music Camp in 2015, the Government of West Java Province
through the Department of Tourism and Culture, will again be presenting Eco Music
Camp Vol.2 2016 which this time will be held at the Volcano National Park
Hazy-Salak, Bogor regency dated June 2 to 4, 2016.

EMC Vol.2 this time, will campaign on the environment, because
The audience at this event will be presented by the beauty of the music
played musicians from around the world in a protected forest,
with the aim to show that the importance of human life
in harmony with the natural environment. The musicians of the world that has long
have concern for environmental issues such as Sandra Fay
(United States), Helga Sedli (Hungary), Supakaluku (Zimbabwe), Lee Tran My
(Vietnam), Tataloe (Bandung), Eye Soul (Jakarta) and many more,
EMC Vol.2 will appear on this and will tell you about how during
This they implement environmental awareness in lifestyle through
his works. EMC Vol. 2 also will bring together ecologists
to talk and guide about sustainable ways of life.

Vice Governor of West Java Deddy Mizwar during a press conference in
Home Official Visits Jalan Ir. H. Juanda No. 148 Bandung revealed, this time
West Java provincial government is struggling to deal with various problems
the environment is increasingly serious. One effective way is
the media of music, where the music can speak to thousands of people who
different cultural backgrounds and religions at the same time and place.

"We know for yourself that this West Java if not sustainably
protecting the environment, the potential for disaster would be even greater. Well,
music is the most effective language to convey these messages
so easily understandable and implementable in a place
reflect nature, "Deddy said Wednesday (25/5/16).

In addition to musical performances, EMC Vol. 2 will also be held planting
tree, talk shows, workshops, screening films for three consecutive days
and granting awards to leaders who care about
environment, especially leaders in the field of music.

"We invite the people of Indonesia and the world through this Eco Music Camp
being there to play music that pro environment in order to arouse
people to care for the environment and also involves community
Environmentalists and people who are concerned for the environment, "
Deddy said.

Meanwhile, Franky Raden as Chairman of the Committee Eco Music Camp says,
for people who want to see just enough to buy tickets
Mist Mountain National Park-Salak Rp. 20,000 only. it also
provide a fleet of buses to take spectators to the venue and area
camping for 500 people who want to spend the night there. "This is not collected
fees altogether they only pay to enter the protected forest alone and
allowed to camp there, we also provide a shuttle bus service that
going back and forth shuttle spectators to the venue, "he explained.

What is different in EMC Vol. 2 this time by Franky, because it is housed in
protected forest then it will make the program Jungle Adventure Tracking,
where participants will be invited around the protected forest to collect leaves,
see habibat Javan hawk and others.

"Last year our guest star Iwan Fals, this year we present
Indonesia is also famous musicians Glen Fredly pro environment, "said


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