P2TP2A City and Regency Should Increase Progressivity


Date : 15 Mar 2016 03:41 Wib | Read : | Category : General News | Write By : Admin BPMPT

WEST BANDUNG - Chairman of the Integrated Services Center for Women and Children (P2TP2A) of West Java province provide direction at the Development Facilitation P2TP2A West Bandung regency in Ballroom B Complex Building West Bandung regency, on Monday (14.03.16).

Netty said that all forms of violence committed against women and children must not be tolerated. In fact violence against women and children is currently a hidden crime, the culprit 90% of perpetrators of violence most people nearby even their own families.

With reference to the data in P2TP2A West Java province, there are 946 cases of violence handled occurred in West Java during the past 5 years. "The highest cases of child abuse, especially sexual violence reached 293 cases, the rest of domestic violence and Human trafficking," he explained.

Of course these data do not fully describe the violence in West Java. Because P2TP2A West Java Province is only one of many similar institutions focusing on the handling of cases of violence.

Meanwhile Bandung Regency Bandung, seen Netty, very progressive after realizing many of its citizens who are victims of violence primarily sexual violence. Once formed P2TP2A West Bandung regency then made by the Task Force was given training by BPMPD West Java Province, BP3AKB P2TP2A West Java and West Java Province.

"The solution is to start implementing a Community-Based Child Care (PABM) and to provide education in early childhood and Posyandu scattered in the district of the city," he continued.

Netty is hope in this way can it still raises awareness in the community. So do not be like the fire department after there is a new incident handling, but we strive to do prevention.

"With leave message how important family resilience, providing planting religious values ​​and raises social awareness for children's outreach whichever may be vulnerable," he concluded.


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