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Date : 26 Feb 2016 03:05 Wib | Read : | Category : General News | Write By : Admin BPMPT
BANDUNG - On Coordination Meeting of Broadcasting theme: The Strategic Role of the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) together with Parliament and Local Government to Advance the Indonesian Broadcasting, Vice Governor of West Java Deddy Mizwar stated a number of strategic formulation regarding broadcasting in Indonesia.
The first thing he reveals is related to the content. That the content in the electronic media, especially television (TV), into unrest by many parties. The reason, he said a scene on TV can be a 'magic' that affect a person's emotional side. Then it is necessary to monitor content. An impression should be of no benefit to society.
"Content so worries many. Film / impressions 'magic', one second move 25 frames, which can also move us to be sad, to laugh. So important is the content, because basically these frequencies belong to the state, the state belongs to the people. So the extent to which this frequency is beneficial for the people, "said Deddy at the Grand Aquila Bandung, Thursday (25.02.16).
Related revision of Law - Broadcasting Act, said Deddy, should be able to accommodate the development of technology. "The law needs to be aligned with the Law on broadcasting the film, including the press. Because there are works Journalism presented in visual form on television," he said.
"In these recommendations right there on the revision of Law - Law before we give feedback. Then the broadcast law need to be linked later with the film Law, Press Law also of course. Because there are also works of journalism in the visual form. How closely it I think it is important as well, "said Deddy.
Pertaining to the ownership of television stations, according to Deddy today one person there who has several television stations. According to Deddy is worth noting, how to set this law, if allowed. There must be no monopoly in the field of communication.
Equally important Deddy discussed at a coordination meeting this time is the Local Content, which he said one problem is airtime. Local impressions usually broadcast early in the morning where there is a lot of viewers who watched. In addition, local content on television should also explore the potential of existing locality deeper. To that end, West Java was frequently hold the Festival - Film Festival film festival such as West Java (FFJB) and a number of other competitions to dig local content that can be broadcast by the children - young children.
"Local Content, the issue also broadcast hour. Showtimes are usually when in the area on National TV networks often broadcast at least 1.30 in the morning. Whereas ya can in the afternoon, or at 10pm. Padalah Just 2 hours 24 minutes, this should also be clearly stipulated Act - Act. West Java alone held many festivals, such as Festival FFJB and others to explore local content, by young people, "said Deddy.
"Then a voiceover, is it permissible voiceover. So wear Indonesian Arabs, Turks use Indonesian. This talk of cultural, lifestyle of people whose lifestyles are considered as Indonesia. I am more inclined to the original language, so there are cultural interaction, "said Deputy Governor
The effect will be flooded our television serial film imports, the most dangerous crisis of culture. And economically, the production house (PH) in Indonesia are dying, because imports cost less than a movie on for the film. So it propagates kemasalah economic, cultural, and so forth.
Furthermore, according to Vice Governor Deddy, ideal impressions that actually can not be imposed on private parties. Because the private sector to do business, invest. Deddy said that the current television is supervised directly by this Parliament, could be an ideal example of TV impressions in this country. TVRI has the largest network in Indonesia, which is not owned by a private TV. We have argued, the existing content on this television, live polished to make it look attractive.
"We can not cede an ideal broadcast on the private sector. Now there TVRI, which is now directly under the House of Representatives. Suppose the outermost regions, remote, backward, how the private sector can get in there? their right to invest. Well this TVRI as Public TV which can to support it, mencover it all. Included also ideal contents. Kan funded by the government, mestinyakan could be better than the budget managed by the private sector. Karna cover the area most TVRI. It is not wrong when given a large budget, only big budget problem is not necessarily effective institutions: not yet addressed, "said Deputy Governor.
Later in the selection of KPI commissioner, vice governor wants not to be interfering with the influence of politics, business and other interests. In the end not to use public frequencies, for personal or group interests.
Meanwhile, related to an extension of 10 national television networks. Minister of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia Rudiantara considers that occasion momentum to evaluate the station record in the past ten years.
Besides that, he said, the KPI function as a watchdog. Must also involve the community as an appraiser. Because in the end all of regulated should be beneficial for the public. Therefore, coordination between KPI and KPID throughout Indonesia also needs to be running well.
"Last year there were 10 television stations must renew the license. KPI evaluation of content, technical administration of Kominfo do. Later we will together determine the outcome as to what, if there is an extension, a conditional extension, or should we take care to do with it, "said Minister wrapped up in January.
"KPI that the function is more to control, the other one is the granting of licenses with the government. This must be viewed from one side how people vote. Well this should be well designed, the presence of KPI and KPID this is like, "he added.
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