Combined apparatus Close Force C Illegal Excavation in Protected Forests


Date : 06 Nov 2015 14:19 Wib | Read : | Category : General News | Write By : Admin BPMPT

The combined forces forcibly shut down the excavation C in protected forest areas Forest City Ranggawulung in Pasir Block Kolecer Cigadung Village, District Subang, Thursday (25/06/2015).

Closure of illegal sand mine belonging to Marcus Dacosta Bello that took place around 11:00 am and was chaired by the Head of the municipal police in West Java, Udjwalaprana Sigit, it also involves a number of Air Force personnel and the Military Police Detachment (Sub Denpom) Subang.

"This sand mine we are closed permanently. So that in the future, at this location is not allowed to mention there any mining activities," says head of municipal police Subang district, Asep Setia Permana.

In addition to the mine are unauthorized (illegal), the permanent closure of sand excavation is done because it violates Regulation 3/2014 on Spatial Planning (RTRW) Subang Regency.

Therefore, the location of excavation operation is not included in the zone or the mining area (WP) as stipulated in the regulations.

"According to the regulations, the District Subang not including mining region. Thus, all forms of excavation C banned from operating activities. Moreover, this mine is in the protected forest area Ranggawulung," he said.

Asep said, with the closing of the bulging-owned sand mining Marcus Bello, the overall number of illegal excavation C closed at 20 locations.

From dozens of these mines, two of which were closed permanently, the Marcus-owned sand mining in protected forest areas Ranggawulung and quarrying C in Kampung Babakan Conto District of Subang.

"As for the 18 other mines were closed temporarily until the owners or managers completing all the formalities to the provincial government, in accordance with prevailing regulations. However, during yet have a license, they are prohibited from conducting activities on the mine site," said Asep.

Investigators PNS Subang Dadeng Supriatna municipal police warn, after the closure of 20 illegal mines, if later found there was excavation C are re-doing the operations, it will be subject to criminal sanctions.

"For the location of excavation C that had been closed but activity again, we will wear the appropriate criminal sanctions legislation," he said.

Therefore, it requested the active participation of the public to report to the authorities, if he finds no excavation C is returned to mining activities. "We request the report from the public and the awareness of employers to comply with the rules," he concluded.

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